Airgas Cylinder Rental – UW–Madison Only

New guidance has been issued regarding the Airgas Cylinder rental billing process. Information is summarized below as a stakeholder email and in this Cylinder Rental Charges change summary 2/8/22 (PDF).

Dear Colleagues,

Prior to the launch of ShopUW+ in April 2021 we issued guidance regarding the billing of rental charges for Airgas cylinders. (See April 2021 guidance news post.) As you may recall, the process for billing cylinder rental varied depending on if your cylinder was purchased in the old system (Shop@UW) or the new system (ShopUW+). The process for billing cylinder rental related to gases purchased in Shop@UW will remain the same. However, for gases purchased in ShopUW+, please note the following regarding cylinder rental charges:

  • Airgas cylinder rentals will continue to be billed at the beginning of each new month, regardless of the system used to purchase the gas (i.e. December rental billed at beginning of January).
  • By default, cylinder rental will be billed directly to the same funding string that was used for the initial purchase of the gas, with the exception of the account code (account code will be hardcoded to 2360).
    • Update – Cylinder rental cannot be split-funded. If your original gas purchase was split-funded, the funding string with the highest allocation will be used. If multiple funding strings are allocated equally, the first funding string listed will be used.
  • We have created a *NEW* form that allows you to change the default funding string associated with your cylinder rental. To change the funding, you need to know the cylinder barcode number and the original PO# used to purchase the gas. The cylinder barcode number can be found on the cylinder or in the JET Invoice No column in WISER when looking at previous cylinder rental charges.
  • To locate the form, navigate to the shopping cart icon on the left side of the page: Shopping > View Forms. Then navigate to the Madison Procurement forms. If you have any questions, please contact the Problem Solvers.

Please note we are pursuing other alternatives to provide a more refined solution, but will not be able to provide additional details for some time.

For more information about ShopUW+, visit the ShopUW+ Essentials website. For information about the project, visit the website’s Project Page. If you have questions about this change, please email them to:

Thank you,
The ShopUW+ Support Team