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The ChemManager+ module ties a robust chemical tracking system with an enhanced purchasing tool to aid in safety and risk mitigation. This tool for managing chemicals will be used by research, instructional, safety and risk staff. ChemManager+ integrates with ShopUW+.

Note: This module was previously called Research Material Management (RMM).

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  • Wave 1: August – October 2022 — Milwaukee, Stevens Point, Oshkosh, Madison (8 pilot labs only), River Falls, Green Bay, Stout
    • The module was deployed August 22, 2022 at Milwaukee (4 pilot departments), Stevens Point, and Oshkosh.
  • Wave 2: November 2022 – January 2023 — Eau Claire, Superior, La Crosse, Platteville, Whitewater, Parkside


  • Enhanced purchasing experience with functionality allowing simultaneous search of all available inventory and supplier catalogs, as well as search by chemical structure
  • Barcode and scanner technology are used to expedite reconciliation and disposal
  • Cost savings by using supplier catalogs with negotiated, preferred pricing
  • Automated workflow for requisitioning, approving, receiving, reconciling and disposing of chemicals, with particular emphasis on hazardous materials
  • Ability to generate a single set of reports across labs to augment optimization of inventory use, while managing risks associated with hazardous materials, and assist with complying with fire codes, Homeland Security, and other reporting requirements


  • Research community
  • Teaching & instructional community
  • Environment, Health & Safety staff
  • ShopUW+ System support staff
  • Risk Management
  • Purchasing Agents/Buyers

Module work status

In March 2022, the ChemManager+ Project Team began design and configuration. In June and July, the team engaged end-users in testing. The module was deployed August 22 at UW-Milwaukee (4 pilot departments), UW-Stevens Point, and UW–Oshkosh as part of the Wave 1 project installation.

Click on the timeline image below to enlarge:

A bar timeline laying out the phases of the ChemManager+ project: Configuration Phase (March - May 2022), Verification Phase (June - July), Go-live Phase (August - October), Hyper-Care Phase (November 2022 - January 2023)

Learning and development resources

Resources are available at ShopUW+ Training Resources.


The Contracts+ module will deploy the remaining functionality associated with the Contracts+ module (for example, contract request intake, contract approval workflow, embedded redlining capabilities). This includes defining standardized business processes for the contract request, development, and approval process.

The central, forward-facing repository will be used by all campuses to streamline contract creation and authoring. 

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Deployment target date

October 2022


  • Standardized business process
  • Improved contract compliance
  • Streamlines contract creation and authoring
  • eSignature

ShopUW+ users impacted

Minimal impact to most ShopUW+ users and maximum impact to contract managers by providing faster contract execution, increased compliance, decreased risk, enhanced contract visibility, and accelerated collaboration across the organization. 

  • Procurement organization (system-wide)  
  • UW Leadership      

Module work status

Initial configuration testing was completed in the first week of June. Stakeholder engagement, learning & development, communications, & technical preparation will take place throughout the summer as the team prepare for Deployment.

Learning and development resources



Sourcing allows select users to initiate and manage sourcing events, more commonly known as Requests for Bids (RFBs) or Requests for Proposals (RFPs).

The Sourcing module will help UW System create a standardized and more automated sourcing process, improve the management of solicitations, and increase efficiencies related to establishing workflows from requisition to sourcing event to signed contract to PO. The standardized sourcing business processes will meet Institutional, State, and Federal compliance requirements based in policy and statute. The Sourcing module development includes dependencies on the Supplier Manager and Contracts+ module.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Deployment target date

October 2022


Standardized, automated process. Improved management of solicitations. Improved visibility from requisition to sourcing event to contract to PO.

ShopUW+ users impacted

Those involved in purchasing through a sourcing event. These include:

  • Procurement management/Purchasing directors
  • Purchasing Agents (including delegated)
  • Support staff/students
  • End users requesting sourcing event (those trying to buy)
  • Suppliers/vendors/bidders/prospective vendors
  • Campus financial managers (senior leadership)
  • Data analysts for bids
  • System Administrators

Module work status

The Discovery Team completed its work in November 2021, recommending moving forward with deployment of the Sourcing Module to accommodate all sourcing event types across the UW System.

The Preparation Phase was completed in January 2022 and included several workshops to examine the sourcing module and make design recommendations. The Design and Configuration phase was completed the end of April.

The Test/Train/Prepare for Deployment phase started May 4, 2022 and is scheduled for completion around the end of September. Wave 1 Configuration testing was completed on May 20, 2022 and Wave 2 Validation Testing will complete in mid-July.

The change management strategy will be focused on engaging and educating stakeholders of the new business processes, requirements, workflows, and templates while identifying and understanding continuous opportunities for improvement.

Learning and development resources


Spend Analytics

Spend Analytics provides visibility into organization-wide spend and consolidates and categorizes into a common language. This also delivers reports and information needed for sourcing and supplier-related decisions. 

A Spend Analytics module will be deployed. It will bring all spend data into one solution. This module aggregates and normalizes spend data from the ERP, P-Card application, and ShopUW+. This will give the institution a near real-time view of spend data from multiple platforms.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


September 2022


  • Help provide a single “source of truth” and visibility to UW-System wide spending
  • The tool will reconcile spend data across multiple systems and data environments
  • Deliver reporting that can be used for actionable sourcing and supplier-related decisions

ShopUW+ users impacted

Minimal impact to most ShopUW+ users as this tool/reporting will provide powerful information of future spend decisions. 

Those most impacted will be procurement organization (system-wide).

Module work status

The Spend Analytics module was deployed in the beginning of September 2022.

Learning and development resources

Training resources are being developed.

Supplier Manager

Supplier Manager module moves all supplier management processes from the Shared Financial System (SFS) into ShopUW+. The Supplier Manager module stores all supplier information in ShopUW+, allowing ShopUW+ users to manage supplier data with a more automated process. This will decrease user time spent managing data changes and increase supplier information visibility by having supplier information all in one place.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Deployment target date

May 9, 2022


Standardized, automated process. Decreases user time spent managing data changes and increases supplier information visibility by putting it all in one place. Easily and securely stores supplier details and engages suppliers to maintain their own data. Interfaces with Shared Financial System (SFS).

ShopUW+ users impacted

Users who need to request a new supplier or request changes to existing supplier data.

Module work status

The module launched May 9, 2022.

A new Jaggaer Supplier Portal also launches for Suppliers to provide and update their own information in a secured environment to help expedite their transaction and payment processing. Suppliers will be able to manage their own data such as supplier contact information, payment addresses, and tax forms. The portal includes guidance for suppliers on how to use the portal.

Learning and development resources

See resources on the ShopUW+ Resources page.

For ShopUW+ users, a ShopUW+ Essentials Supplier Manager User Resources web page is available to help users understand the Supplier Manager function and direct users to training resources on the ShopUW+ Resources page.

For Suppliers, a Supplier Resources web page is available for suppliers to get information on how to become a registered supplier and access the Jaggaer Supplier Portal.

Work Team Phases

Most of the Phase 2 ShopUW+ business function initiatives will follow six project phases. The team members for each business function will work with a project management lead and a representative from Huron Consulting to work through each phase to final deployment.

A color graphic timeline: 1) Planning, 2) Discovery, 3) Preparation, 4) Design & Configuration, 5) Test/Train & Prepare for Deployment, and 6) Deployment


Define the project and change management plan activities, validate scope, build project schedule, refine budget, validate deliverables, and create resource plan.


Investigate and finalize the scope of work to help the project team understand the broader context of the task & determine viability within the project timeline.


Prepare work team by reviewing documentation, complete pre-design work and defining requirements.

Design and Configuration

Continuously validate, refine, and document business requirements for design and configuration.

Testing, Training, and Prepare for Deployment

Test and validate that full functions of the system meet requirements. Conduct stakeholder engagement, learning and development, and technical preparation for go-live.


Manage and prioritize post go-live stabilization activities. Work teams will be readily available to troubleshoot issues as they arise.

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Phase 2 Project Timeline

Note: The project timeline is subject to change.

Business Function Preparation Stage Design/Configure Stage Test/Train/Prepare for Deployment Stage Deployment Stage
Contracts+* Dec. 2021 – Jan. 2022 Feb. – Apr. 2022 May – Sept. 2022 Oct. 2022
ChemManager+* Feb. 2022 March 2022 – TBD TBD Wave 1 – Aug. – Oct. 2022
Wave 2 – Jan. 2023
Sourcing* Dec. 2021 – Jan. 2022 Feb. – Apr. 2022 May – Sept. 2022 Oct. 2022
Spend Analytics* Jan. 2022 Feb. – March 2022 Apr. – May 2022 June 2022
Supplier Manager* Oct. – Nov. 2021 Dec. 2021 – Jan. 2022 Feb. – Apr. 2022 May 9, 2022
WISER Integrations** Oct. – Nov. 2021 Dec. 2021 – Jan. 2022 Feb. – March  2022
ShopUW+ Standardized Reporting** Oct. 2021 Nov. – Dec. 2021 Jan. 2022 Feb. 25, 2022
IT Purchasing & Controls** Oct. 2021 TBD TBD
Recurring/Scheduled Invoices** July 2022 Aug. 2022 Sept. 2022

**Business processes and administration enhancements

Assistance using ShopUW+

We are currently working to resolve accessibility barriers in ShopUW+. To learn about the accessibility and usability of ShopUW+, go to ShopUW+ — Accessibility and Usability Information KB. 

If you need accessibility assistance, want to report an accessibility barrier, or if you are having difficulty using ShopUW+ or any of the training materials, email