System Updated as of July 14
The ShopUW+ software system has been updated as of Sunday, July 14. You can find more information regarding the system changes below.
System updates – July 2024
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 7/14/24:
- Summary of these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 24.2 System Updates summary (PDF).
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
March 17, 2024 system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 3/17/24:
- Summary of these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 24.1 System Updates summary (PDF)
November 5, 2023, system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 3/17/24:
- Changes to the Receipts
- Additional information on these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 24.1 System Updates summary (PDF)
July 10, 2023 system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 7/10/23:
- Search Experience for Supplier & Contracts toggle button
- You can now cancel returned invoices
- Additional information on these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 23.2 System Updates Summary (PDF).
March 19, 2023 system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 3/19/23:
- All bar graph widgets are now pie charts with radio buttons now being block style buttons
- Contract attachments and party searches will now have enhanced filter options
- Additional information on these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 23.1 System Updates Summary (PDF).
November 7, 2022 system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 11/7/22:
- ShopUW+ Header changes
- For Purchase Orders, the Supplier Name is now displayed in the Header. For Requisitions and Invoices, it is not displayed.
- For Purchase Orders, Requisitions and Invoices, the drop-down menu in the Header has been replaced with a hidden menu in the upper right navigation section.
- Requisition changes
- Prepared for field is now set to ‘inactive’. This does not mean they are no longer active in the system, just not active in the session.
- Contracts changes
- Check in/out still in drop-down menu but also now highlighted in section banner. Check-in is red, Check-out is green, both with button on right now.
- Add parties – no longer in a drop-down menu, now buttons and part of icon for edit party.
- Additional information on these changes can be found in the Jaggaer 22.3 System Updates Summary (PDF).
July 18, 2022 system updates
This information describes the system updates to ShopUW+ effective 7/18/22:
- All Shopper and Requester Roles: Internet Explorer browser is no longer supported. Please use another browser to avoid issues.
- All Shopper and Requester Roles: Enabled Supplier Search results page will be updated – minor refresh.
- All Shopper and Requester Roles: Updated UI design for static forms. There are no functionality changes, just page layout refresh.
March 21, 2022 system updates
This was a very light impact update, as most of the system changes wereto currently unused functionality.
A summary of the most visible ShopUW+ system updates effective 3/21/22:
E-Procurement updates
• Commodity code tree search added to Forms and Requests
• New substitute approval reports
• Enhancements to service item ordering
• Budget Manager – ability to view budget details
• Budget Manager – ability to close date ranges
• Credit card data tokenization
• New experience view workflow display changes
Accounts Payable updates
• Enhancements to total invoice amount validation
• Additional duplicate invoice check options
• Ability to delete returned draft receipts
Nov. 14, 2021 system updates
System updates made to ShopUW+ effective 11/14/21:
- Requesters, Approvers, Buyers, and Accounts Payable Roles: The Change Request Reason section for change requests has moved to the top of the page and is now a required field.
- Requesters, Approvers, Buyers, and Accounts Payable Roles: Change requests can process after new invoices are submitted.
- Approvers: All approval pages are now located on one centralized page but are still accessible by the original links. They appear as tabs across the top so you can easily switch between approval pages.
- Approvers and Buyers: The red button labeled “Assign” has been replaced by a head and shoulders icon that will display “Assign” if hovered over.
- Buyers and Purchasing Directors: External communications options are now in their own tab on a change request.
July 25, 2021 system updates
System updates made to ShopUW+ effective 7/25/21:
- All roles will note the Checkout, Assign and Approve buttons have moved to the top of the screen
- All roles: Dashboard navigation from Shopping Home changes to tabs instead of a drop-down
- Shoppers, Requesters: Shopping cart prepared for and cart name in details on proceed to checkout screen moved
- All roles: Drop-down to act on a transaction moved to the right of transaction number for all transaction types (shopping cart/requisition/purchase order/invoice)
Additional information for Shoppers, Requesters, and Approvers.
Additional information for Admin, AP, and Purchasing.
Improvements and enhancements
This information describes the ongoing improvements and enhancements to ShopUW+.
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
June 2022
Supplier name change
Buy-On-Purpose is changing their name to Zuma Office. Even though they are changing their name, they will continue to offer the same toner products.
Unhide sidebar and workflow panel
If your right sidebar and workflow panel is not visible, click on the ‘hamburger’ menu icon in the top menu bar to unhide the sidebar panel. This panel displays the document status, amounts, associated documents and workflow.
Click the image below to enlarge:
May 2022
Declining Balance and Continuing Order Requisition (COR) fields are visible to Shoppers and Requesters on the Requisition summary screen.
The Declining Balance field is underneath “Purchasing Use Only” and COR field is under “Additional Requisition Information.” See the screenshot below (click image to enlarge) to see the new field locations outlined:
The Check Action Form has moved from the Shared/AP Forms section to the Shared/Administrative Forms section in order to be accessible to all users. See the screenshot below (click image to enlarge) to see the new location highlighted:
December 2021
- AP Manager and AP Professional roles can View/Use forms.
- Shopper and Requester roles can access supplier addresses and fulfillment centers.
- Supplier Email (Non-Catalog Only) field is now located under the Prepared For field.
- Requisitions with funding strings that contain capital asset account codes 4605, 4625, 4635, 4670 will no longer be returned.
- As of 12/30 the Buyer ID field will require a valid Buyer ID. It is recommended to select Buyer IDs from the drop-down rather than manual entry.
November 2021
- A new Quote PO Clause has been added: Quotation is referenced for price and description/deliverables only. University of Wisconsin Terms and Conditions apply for this order.”
- Approver 1 through 3 will now be required on all Non-conforming Form purchases.
- Shoppers and Requesters will now be able to view Addresses and Fulfillment centers when using the supplier search page.
- The question, Is an invoice attached that requires prepayment? has been added to the non-conforming form. If answered yes, the form will now route to Accounts Payable Staff on your campus.
- Two questions on the PIR form were combined to create a new question. The new question reads: Was this a service performed in the United States and is the payee a US resident/citizen/entity for tax purposes?
- During PR Validation, Requisitions will be returned to Requesters when the override checkbox is checked and no Override Accounting Date is provided.
- Accounts Payable Professional and Accounts Professional Manager roles now have visibility to the Declining Balance PO Custom field.
October 2021
- You can now filter on the following custom fields in document searches: Declining Balance PO, Facilities Project Number, Invoice Received Date, Origin, Other Business Purpose, Payment Count, Payment Handling Code Override, Payment Message, PO End Date, PO Start Date, Total Payment Amount
- A field titled “Supplier Email (Non-Catalog Only)” will be added in the ‘General Use’ section of the requisition to provide a standard location for the Shopper or Requester to provide an email address for Purchasing to send the supplier the purchase order. This is intended to hasten the distribution of orders to suppliers, and will be especially useful for new suppliers, or suppliers with which your campus Purchasing office has no prior activity.
- Please do not enter supplier email addresses for punchout/catalog orders (e.g. Staples, Fisher Scientific) –orders to those suppliers will not be sent to provided email addresses, but via the ShopUW+ integration with the supplier
- If you do not have an email address for the supplier, you can complete the requisition and add a Comment later to provide the email address to Purchasing
September 2021
- The system will now allow for two decimal places to be used in the quantity fields.
August 2021
- To assist with AP processing, POs will now be going out with the payment terms of “Due Upon Receipt (DUR)” and an updated PO Clause that reads “When Payment Terms are listed as ‘Due Upon Receipt,’ payment shall be considered timely if the payment is mailed, delivered, or transferred within thirty (30) days after receipt of a properly completed invoice, unless the vendor is notified in writing by the agency of a dispute before payment is due.”
- For Non-Catalog Orders to Enabled Suppliers (i.e. in situations where a catalog for a supplier exists but is currently not visible to your campus), the Distribution Review workflow step will now automatically trigger on POs to that supplier (to ensure the distribution is updated to ‘Email’ from ‘Manual’ by the Buyer).
- Requester and Purchasing roles will receive an auto-reject notice for change requests against catalog orders shortly after submission. To cancel or change an order, contact the supplier directly. For funding changes, submit a non-salary cost transfer.
July 2021
- Approvers will receive reminders by email every seven days for pending approvals that require their attention.
- DP/PIR/ROR form instructions were improved for Requesters.
- Changes were made to Req Wizard attachment fields: attachments are uploaded to the tab instead of the individual fields.
June 2021
- Shoppers and Requesters have visibility to payment information.
- AP Professionals and AP Managers can update the invoice owner on an invoice.
- Approvers can assign substitute and ad hoc Approvers to form requests (DPs, PIRs and RORs).
- Requesters can update the invoice owner on a returned invoice (to move it to AP).
May 2021
- Buyers can add additional line items to pending requisitions.
- Buyers, Controllers, AP Professionals, AP Directors should note review and creation of pre-payments moved to the end of PO workflow.
- Approvers can update the account code or funding string on form requests (DPs, PIRs, and RORs).