Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT)

What is it?

UW-System campuses can use the Pre–Posting Allocation Tool (PAT) to change or split the funding for procurements from Shop@UW before they are posted to the Shared Financial System (SFS). Shop@UW will post all transactions for each Shop@UW account in PAT on a nightly basis. Department representatives may then login to PAT and adjust/allocate the funding for those transactions. On the sixth business day of the following month at noon, transactions will be locked and further changes will not be allowed within PAT. The adjusted transactions will then post to SFS and be viewable in WISDM the next day.

Login to Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT)

PAT Reallocation and Posting Deadlines

Splitting and/or reallocating funding through the Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT) is available until NOON on the sixth business day of the following month. At noon on the sixth business day of each month, the billing file for prior month invoices is locked and submitted for billing.

PAT 2025 Editing Deadlines Calendar
(download as a PDF)

2025 Pre-Posting Allocation Tool Calendar

The benefits:

  • Reduce the need to do corrective non-salary cost transfers (NSCTs) for many transactions by reallocating and changing funding before posting transactions to SFS.
  • Allow a transaction to easily be split to multiple funding sources just like using a procurement card.
  • Help reduce the number of Shop@UW accounts that a department needs to manage.
  • Help reduce the need to submit funding changes via the MD number change forms.
  • Update the way Shop@UW transactions are posted to, and viewable in WISDM.

Quick Start

  1. Login into the Pre-Posting Allocation Tool (PAT)
  2. Enter your parent account (to work with multiple accounts at once) or MD number and click “Show Customer List” to begin.
  3. Check the MD number(s) that you want to view and reallocate. All current transactional activity for the month will be available. There are three ways to reallocate:
    • Choose “Assign a single funding string to many invoices” to make changes that don’t require splits. Check all invoices of interest, then enter the new funding and click “Assign funding to all checked invoices”. You can change any part of the funding string, but the whole string must be entered and only one funding may be assigned per invoice. You may continue to check invoices and reallocate funding until finished. Clicking the invoice number, such as CE20326205701, shows the item level detail.
    • Choose “Assign many funding strings to many invoices” to split more than one invoice with the same percentage splits. Check the MD number or numbers that you would like to work with and select the “Assign many funding strings to many invoices” button. Select the invoices to reallocate by clicking on each check box next to the line number. Once the invoices are checked, type valid funding distributions in the set of text boxes under “Option 1”. Begin by assigning the percentage split to each funding line and be sure to click “Save Split” before moving on to the next funding. You may enter as many splits as you like, as long as they total 100%. When finished, click “Assign funding to all checked invoices”.
    • Choose “Reallocate funding one invoice at a time” to split fund (i.e. assign more than one funding string to) an invoice. Click the invoice number to be split. Click “Edit” and enter the funding string and choose “Update” to save. You can enter either a dollar amount or percentage and the other will be calculated for you. Enter funding lines until the total is reached and no “difference” remains at the bottom. Be sure to click “Save Split” after entering each additional line. Choose “Go back to Invoice List” to split another invoice.
  4. Choose “Go back to customer list” at the bottom of the screen or “Logout” in the upper right if finished.
  5. Choose “Select new Account” to continue with another MD number or “Logout” in the upper right if finished.